Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Service Learning

What is Service-learning?
Wikipedia defines service-learning as “a method of teaching, learning and reflecting , frequently youth service, throughout the community. As a teaching method, it falls under the philosophy of experiential education. More specifically, it integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, encourage lifelong civic engagement, and strengthen communities for the common good.”
Thus with this definition in mind, effective service-learning should be community-based (hopefully along with local churches, mosques, temples, etc.), situated in academic institutions, and supported by government. We must keep that essential triad in mind—Community (and its religious institutions), Education, State or Government.

What is the relationship between service, democracy and education?

  Service – Democracy: What is the relationship between 
  service and social change?
Democracy – Education: What is the purpose of education 
          in a democracy?
Service – Education: How does education serve society?

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